How to Manage Temperature and Humidity When Growing Cannabis

Posted on Oct 09 , 2024

With South Africa's laws gradually relaxing, adults are now allowed to grow 4-6  plants in private spaces. However, growing high-quality cannabis is no easy task, as it involves many factors, including light, soil characteristics, nutrients, water, and, most importantly, temperature and humidity. Each element plays a crucial role, and even the slightest misstep could significantly reduce your yield.

Today, we will focus on one essential factor—managing temperature and humidity throughout the cannabis growth cycle, from seedling to flowering, and how to set optimal conditions for both.

1. Why Are Temperature and Humidity Important for Cannabis?

Why Are Temperature and Humidity Important for Cannabis?

Cannabis is a delicate plant that is highly sensitive to environmental conditions. Poor control of temperature and humidity can slow down growth, delay flowering, or even lead to various diseases.

Temperature’s Impact:

Temperature plays a pivotal role in the cultivation of cannabis, as it directly influences the effectiveness of photosynthesis and the plant's overall metabolic activity. Any deviations from the optimal range—whether too high or too low—can be detrimental to the plant’s health and development.

When temperatures rise above 28°C, the plant’s transpiration rate accelerates significantly.

What does this mean?

The increased heat causes water within the cannabis plant to evaporate at a much faster rate, leading to rapid moisture loss. To compensate, the roots must continually draw more water from the soil to replenish what’s lost, creating a constant cycle of stress. 

If this condition persists, the plant may start exhibiting signs of "dehydration," such as yellowing, drooping, or even leaf curling. Prolonged exposure to excessive heat also disrupts the plant’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, impairing photosynthesis, stunting growth, and ultimately reducing overall yield.

In contrast, when the temperature drops below 18°C, the plant’s metabolic functions slow down drastically. This drop can push the plant into a state of "dormancy," where root absorption decreases, and growth is significantly hindered. Worse still, low temperatures weaken the plant’s immune defenses, making it more susceptible to harmful pests and diseases that can ravage its health.

Humidity’s Impact:

Excess humidity is a common issue in growing cannabis—especially in enclosed grow tents or indoor grow spaces. When humidity levels exceed 70%, the high moisture content in the air slows down the evaporation of water from the plant's surface, increasing the risk of bacteria and mold growth. Problems like mold spots, powdery mildew, and root rot may follow.

These diseases not only affect the plant's health but also drastically reduce the quality and yield of the buds.

Conversely, if humidity is too low, moisture inside the plant will evaporate quickly, particularly during the seedling stage, which may lead to dehydration or even death. In a low-humidity environment, seedlings cannot absorb enough water from the air, making the leaves dry and shriveled.

In conclusion, controlling temperature and humidity is not just essential for ensuring smooth plant growth; it directly impacts the quality and yield of cannabis. Ignoring these factors could lead to poor-quality, low-yield results.

2. What Are the Optimal Temperature and Humidity Levels for Cannabis?

What Are the Optimal Temperature and Humidity Levels for Cannabis?

Different growth stages require different temperature and humidity settings. Let’s analyze each stage:

Seedling Stage:

  • Temperature: 20-25°C(68-77°F)

  • Humidity: 65-70% RH

At this stage, seedlings are fragile and require higher humidity to retain moisture and promote root development.

Vegetative Growth Stage:

  • Temperature: 21-29°C(70-85°F)

  • Humidity: 40-60% RH

During the vegetative stage, when cannabis enters a period of rapid growth, the temperature should increase slightly, and humidity can be gradually reduced.

Flowering Stage:

  • Temperature: 18-27°C(65-80°F)

  • Humidity: 40-50% RH

In the flowering stage, buds are more compact, and high humidity could lead to mold issues. Keeping humidity between 40-50% helps prevent mold and bud rot. A temperature range of 18-25°C promotes terpene production, enhancing the aroma and potency of cannabis.

Pre-Harvest Stage:

  • Temperature: 18-24°C(65-75°F)

  • Humidity: 30-40% RH

In the final phase of cultivation, maintaining a drier, cooler environment is crucial for optimal resin production and bud maturation. Excess humidity at this stage not only hampers the maturing process but also elevates the risk of mold, which can significantly diminish the quality and potency of the cannabis.

3. How to Maintain Optimal Temperature and Humidity?

Here are some tips on maintaining indoor temperature and humidity:

  • LED Grow Lights for Plants: When choosing grow lamps for plants, consider LED lights. These lights emit less heat compared to HPS lamps, helping to control indoor temperatures.

  • Monitor Temperature and Humidity: Install a hygrometer/thermometer to display real-time environmental conditions in the grow space.

  • Add Fans: Incorporating adjustable fans into your grow space ensures proper airflow, minimizing the chance of hot spots and preventing areas of excessive moisture buildup.

  • Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers: If the grow space lacks sufficient humidity, using a humidifier, especially during the seedling stage, can help increase moisture in the air. On the other hand, a dehumidifier becomes crucial when humidity is too high, particularly during the flowering stage, to prevent mold growth.

4. Conclusion

By utilizing the strategies and tools mentioned, you can achieve precise control over temperature and humidity levels in your grow tent, cultivating an ideal environment for cannabis growth. This approach promotes robust plant health, maximizes yields, and enhances overall quality.

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