How Many Grow Lights Do Your Plants Need?
Jun 23 , 2020

How Many Grow Lights Do Your Plants Need?

To ensure optimal energy efficiency for your indoor cultivation, it's crucial to determine how many grow lights do I need. When cultivating autoflowers, understanding how many LED watts per autoflower is necessary can significantly impact your setup. For those managing larger operations, like growing 12 plants, it's important to calculate precisely how many lights for 12 plants will balance between cost and effective growth.
How To Install Your LED Grow Light In The Right Way?
Jun 23 , 2020

How To Install Your LED Grow Light In The Right Way?

When it comes to indoor plant cultivation, each of us has our own conditions, limitations, and possibilities to structure our grow space. Whether we grow cannabis, vegetables, or indoor plants, this article will help in understanding how to install LED Grow Lights and why getting the right height between indoor plants and LED grow light is important.
Is COB LED Grow Light Good For Your Indoor Plants
Jun 23 , 2020

Is COB LED Grow Light Good For Your Indoor Plants

There comes a time in every indoor grower's life where they must choose the type of light they want to use on their cannabis plants. With so many different varieties and types available, the decision isn’t always an easy one. That may be changing however, with COB LED grow lights. With so many advantages over other types of marijuana grow lights, COBs are becoming known as one of the best types to use for indoor growers. Giving the most efficient and effective lighting, without having to work with big bulky structures and equipment.
How Far Should LED Grow Light Hang On Plants
Jun 23 , 2020

How Far Should LED Grow Light Hang On Plants

Light is necessary to grow plants indoors, but if the indoor light is strong, it will burn the plants. Therefore, the distance between the LED pant grow light and the plant is very important.
Overwatering or Not? How to Watering Your Cannabis Plants
Jun 23 , 2020

Overwatering or Not? How to Watering Your Cannabis Plants

Cannabis cultivation is simple, but it also can be said complicated. Here we talk about the watering of cannabis grow and overwatering plants.
Top 10 Myths about Growing Marijuana You Should Know
Jun 23 , 2020

Top 10 Myths about Growing Marijuana You Should Know

Now more and more people begin to grow cannabis indoor with LED Grow lights. But there are so many grow marijuana myths on the internet, below are top 10 myths and the right answer.
How To Choose Your LED Grow Light For Microgreens Growing?
Jun 23 , 2020

How To Choose Your LED Grow Light For Microgreens Growing?

Growing food indoors might seem intimidating, but it is something that you can incorporate into any homestead. Using LED grow light for microgreens, it is very easy to set up a small growing space that doesn’t require much energy to produce quality results. This single indoor space can serve several purposes: growing plant starts for the outdoor garden;
How To Train Your Cannabis For Indoor Cultivation?
Jun 23 , 2020

How To Train Your Cannabis For Indoor Cultivation?

What Is Plant Training?“Plant training” means physically manipulating the plant so it grows more bud sites, resulting in increased yields indoors.Why not let plants grow naturally? Cannabis naturally grows in a “Christmas Tree” shape that is optimized for sunlight, not grow lights. Unlike the sun, cannabis grow lights do not rise and set every day, providing light from the sides. Furthermore, indoor grow lights have almost no penetration when compared against the sun;
Which cannabis strain should you choose to grow?
Jun 23 , 2020

Which cannabis strain should you choose to grow?

As any recreational or medical marijuana user can tell you, not all cannabis is created equal. Different cannabis strain produce different effects, and thus can be used for different reasons. If marijuana is legal in your state and you're looking to try it, but not sure which cannabis strain best suit your needs, we’ve got you covered. Check out our guide to marijuana strains below.
Advantages of Hydroponics You Should Know
Jun 23 , 2020

Advantages of Hydroponics You Should Know

Why Hydroponics? Hydroponics is the method of growing plants in a nutrient-rich water-based environment without soil. It comes with many incredible benefits over traditional farming. Here are the top advantages of hydroponics farming we all know.
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