The Secrets Of LED Grow Lights For Seedlings
Jun 22 , 2020

The Secrets Of LED Grow Lights For Seedlings

Now more and more agricultural companies, farmers start indoor seedlings, so is it useful to use LED grow lights for seedlings? Below I have collected some information about using LED plant lights to raise seedlings.
Vertical Farm Supply In The City Help Fight The COVID-19!
Jun 22 , 2020

Vertical Farm Supply In The City Help Fight The COVID-19!

The coronavirus rages and causes factories to close, which also has a great impact on the logistics supply between cities. Therefore, for some large cities or cities that do not produce vegetables, it is more difficult for people to obtain enough fresh vegetables every day. In this case, vertical farms can effectively solve this problem.
Best Marijuana Grow Light 2020
Jun 22 , 2020

Best Marijuana Grow Light 2020

The world is currently experiencing a revolution in cannabis cultivation. As more and more states legalize cannabis cultivation and personal use, interest in growing their own weeds at home has never been higher. For many growers who cannot grow marijuana outdoors under sufficient free sunlight, to grow marijuana indoors successfully, there must be a marijuana grow light.
Best Full spectrum LED Grow Lights 2020
Jun 22 , 2020

Best Full spectrum LED Grow Lights 2020

When you are planning to grow plants, orchids, fruits, and vegetables indoors, if you check the grow light information online, then you will often see full-spectrum grow lights. So what is the full spectrum LED grow lights and its benefits?
How to Grow Plants Indoors with LED Grow Lights
Jun 20 , 2020

How to Grow Plants Indoors with LED Grow Lights

If you want to grow plants indoors, the most important thing is to create an atmosphere similar to the natural outdoor environment indoors, so that the vegetables grow best. You need to keep them hydrated and give them light. There are several different growth lamps on the market that can help you provide the necessary lighting for vegetables.
Best Hydroponics Lights 2020
Jun 20 , 2020

Best Hydroponics Lights 2020

Hydroponics gardening with artificial light imitating the sun's rays is becoming more and more popular, and there are many choices for hydroponics growers. By using hydroponics lights, you can customize your growing season and encourage plants to flower and bear when needed, without having to rely on good weather.
Easy Guide for Beginners to Grow Cannabis Indoors
Jun 20 , 2020

Easy Guide for Beginners to Grow Cannabis Indoors

Are you interested in growing your own cannabis plant. Indoor cannabis cultivation poses a unique set of challenges for amateurs, our easy-to-understand grow cannabis indoors guide will help you even the first time grower get started.
Easiest Way To Clone Cannabis Plants
Jun 20 , 2020

Easiest Way To Clone Cannabis Plants

Do you know cannabis clone? It is very easy to clone cannabis plants, with this way you can get many cannabis plants same to the mother plants. Here we tell you how to clone cannabis with the easiest way.
Best way to-germinate cannabis seeds
Jun 20 , 2020

Best way to-germinate cannabis seeds

Germination is the process by which new plants start to grow from seeds. Germination, also known as “popping”, is the first step to start growing cannabis. In this guide, we teach you how to germinate cannabis seeds in the simplest way.
Why Large Cannabis Producers Are Turning To Hybrid Greenhouses
Jun 20 , 2020

Why Large Cannabis Producers Are Turning To Hybrid Greenhouses

Pollution, quality and yield, and cost: This is a current concern for large-scale cannabis producers. These concerns have recently driven the largest producers to establish their own futures in mixed greenhouses. The cannabis industry leans toward these preferences around consumer preferences and government regulations.
  • Total 288 items ,  total 29 pages