Do you know what roles UVA, UVB and UVC play in plants?
Feb 02 , 2024

Do you know what roles UVA, UVB and UVC play in plants?

In the field of modern agricultural technology, the role of ultraviolet light (UVA, UVB, and UVC) is becoming increasingly significant. These different wavelengths of light not only have profound effects on plant growth and development but also play a crucial role in specific crops, such as cannabis cultivation. Let's take a look at the roles of UVA, UVB, and UVC in plants and their applications in cannabis cultivation.
Why Cannabis Need UVA and UVB in Your Grow Room
Nov 12 , 2022

Why Cannabis Need UVA and UVB in Your Grow Room

Ultraviolet light is the light with wavelength less than 400m, which accounts for 7% of solar radiation. High-intensity ultraviolet light with smaller than 300mm is no good to plants, and ultraviolet light less than 280m can kill plants.
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