How To Choose LED Grow Lights For Cannabis Growing
Nov 27 , 2020

How To Choose LED Grow Lights For Cannabis Growing

Growing cannabis under LED lights is becoming more and more common, and LED light technology for cannabis continues to develop rapidly. Part of the reason is that, especially in the US/Canada, cannabis is grown in large numbers under LED lights. Hobby growers began to profit more and more, because it became easier to grow under LEDs.
How to calculate the light required for cannabis
Aug 27 , 2020

How to calculate the light required for cannabis

Light is an important condition for photosynthesis and many metabolic processes in plants. In this case, the ratio of the average consumption and the effective luminous flux required for the normal development of a factory is 3-4 000 lumens per square foot (30x30cm).
How to grow medical cannabis with horticultural led grow lights?
Aug 07 , 2020

How to grow medical cannabis with horticultural led grow lights?

The medical marijuana can be cultivated in different ways. Depending upon the growers’ experience, environmental conditions, and required quality of the cannabis produce, medical marijuana can be cultivated using an indoor, greenhouse, and outdoor methods.
How To Improve The Rooting Of Cannabis Cuttings By Using LED Grow Light?
Jun 23 , 2020

How To Improve The Rooting Of Cannabis Cuttings By Using LED Grow Light?

In cannabis cultivation, cloning is one of the best ways to maintain strain variety and genetics, and it has also been widely used by commercial and professional growers. But it is not as so simple of sticking the cuttings into peat pellets as it seems to be. To produce successful cannabis cuttings with a well-developed root system in a short period of time requires careful management of the environment, especially air and media temperature, humidity and light.
How To Train Your Cannabis For Indoor Cultivation?
Jun 23 , 2020

How To Train Your Cannabis For Indoor Cultivation?

What Is Plant Training?“Plant training” means physically manipulating the plant so it grows more bud sites, resulting in increased yields indoors.Why not let plants grow naturally? Cannabis naturally grows in a “Christmas Tree” shape that is optimized for sunlight, not grow lights. Unlike the sun, cannabis grow lights do not rise and set every day, providing light from the sides. Furthermore, indoor grow lights have almost no penetration when compared against the sun;
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