Should I choose to grow cannabis a greenhouse or indoors?
May 30 , 2024

Should I choose to grow cannabis a greenhouse or indoors?

When it comes to growing cannabis, the quality and yield of your product are of vital importance, and today we’re going to take a closer look at the pros and cons of greenhouse vs. indoor growing.
Six tips to control the humidity of indoor cannabis cultivation
Aug 20 , 2021

Six tips to control the humidity of indoor cannabis cultivation

First let’s see a real indoor cannabis cultivation case: The Galina Plant Factory in Akron, Ohio, we kept the relative humidity at about 65% during the growth of the plants, and gradually decreased during the third to eighth weeks of flowering, and the harvest was full.
What should I prepare for indoor cannabis cultivation?
Jul 30 , 2020

What should I prepare for indoor cannabis cultivation?

How can you imagine: open the closet and your own cannabis plant shines to you, growing and prospering happily. Perform all operations secretly in your own four walls. Through indoor cultivation, you can realize this dream.
Should I choose outdoor or indoor for growing cannabis?
Jul 09 , 2020

Should I choose outdoor or indoor for growing cannabis?

As the number of cannabis lovers is increasing! Many consumers are reluctant to buy grass on the street, because they do not know whether the quality of the grass is qualified, and have not been treated with pesticides. So more and more people learn to grow marijuana on their own.
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