How to choose a grow light based on the size of your growing space?
Mar 14 , 2024

How to choose a grow light based on the size of your growing space?

​As cannabis legalization surges, more and more people are exploring the possibility of growing cannabis in their own homes. However, for cannabis to thrive in an indoor environment, choosing the right grow lights is crucial. So how to choose the appropriate plant light according to the size of the growing space at home? Don’t worry, this article will solve all your doubts.
Marijuana growers teach you how to increase marijuana yields
Dec 08 , 2023

Marijuana growers teach you how to increase marijuana yields

Along the way, we have gone through countless challenges and trials while growing cannabis. Have you ever been anxious about finding that “perfect” grow light? I have spent countless days and nights looking at those inappropriate lights and wondering feebly: Why is my cannabis growing slowly and the yield is lower than expected? Until I encountered VANQ’s new foldable 1200W cannabis grow light, everything changed.
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