How far should LED grow lights be from plants

Posted on Jul 19 , 2024

Are you still worried about how far your LED grow lights should be from the plants? Don't worry, let's solve this confusion today.

The key to determining the hanging height of LED grow lights lies in two factors: plants and light.

Sounds simple? Actually not.

Because plants go through many different stages in the growth process, and the needs and requirements of each stage are different.

General placement rules


At first, our common suggestion is installed the LED growlights at the height of 18inches to 42inches from the top of plant.

It sounds great, however, it is just as reference.

This range is too broad. Are you beginning to doubt the authenticity of this range?

Correctly, It is a rough guide. The specific placement distance depends on the type and power of the LED light you have.


For example,If you are using a 1000watt LED light, the recommended hanging height is 36 inches. Why? Because this height ensures that the plants get enough light while avoiding excessive light that may burn the plants.

Now most LED plant lights have dimmable functions. You can place the light anywhere you think is appropriate, and then adjust the intensity of the light through the controller to easily meet the needs of plants at different growth stages.

No matter which LED grow light you choose, remember one important rule: follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Why? Because manufacturers design LED lights with optimal coverage and height in mind.

Some LED lights are designed to be wider and dispersed, so they need to be hung closer. If you hang a diffuse light lamp too high, your plants won't get enough light. If you hang a concentrated light LED lamp too low, your plants will suffer, and there's a high chance they'll get burned by the strong light.

When using LED grow lights, different wattage lamps require different installation distances to ensure that the plants receive the appropriate amount of light. Here is a simple guide to help you adjust the distance between the lamp and the plant based on the wattage of the lamp:


Here are some common questions and answers about the distance to illuminate your cannabis plants with LED grow lights:

1. What are the effects of LED lights being too close?

First, the light is too strong. Too much light can burn the leaves of the plant, causing brown or yellow spots, or even causing the leaves to wither.

Second, the temperature is too high. Yes, LED lights do dissipate heat better than traditional lamps, but don’t be too happy too soon. If the distance is too close, they will still cause the local temperature to be too high, affecting the normal growth of plants.

2. What will happen if the LED light is too far away?

First, it leads to insufficient light, slow plant growth, thin stems, and pale leaf color.

Secondly, it causes the growth cycle to be prolonged, making it impossible for the plants to mature or bear fruit within the expected time.

3. How to judge whether the distance of LED plant lights is appropriate?

The answer is simple: just look at your plant's reaction. If your plant's leaves start to curl or turn yellow around the edges, this is usually a sign of too much light. On the other hand, if your plant looks spindly and has lighter leaves, it may not be getting enough light.

4. How should the distance of different types of LED lights be adjusted?

Different LED lights have different light output and coverage. High-power LED lights usually need to be placed higher to prevent over-intensity. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's recommended guidelines and adjust by actual observation.

Since its establishment in 2009, VANQ has always been customer-centric and committed to providing high-quality LED grow lights for cannabis cultivation, vertical farming, greenhouses and tissue culture.

As an industry-leading manufacturer, we have a state-of-the-art production plant in China and a warehouse in South Africa, ensuring free and fast delivery services within South Africa.

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