how much light is enough for indoor plants

Posted on Aug 26 , 2024

We often hear people say that plants need light and sunlight to grow.

But what kind of light is "enough"? Can they grow healthily by just giving them a few hours of light?

There are all kinds of suggestions on the market now: some say "6 hours of sunlight a day is enough", and some say "the more the better".

But is it really like this? Today, let's talk about the topic of "how much light do indoor plants need to be sufficient", and explain in detail how to judge whether plants lack light? How much light do different plants need?

1.Light requirements of different plants

Indoor plants

First of all, we have to understand that more light is not always better.

You might think: plants survive by photosynthesis, so what's the harm in giving them more light? But that's not the case.

Different plants have different requirements for light. Some prefer a sunny environment, while others are more suitable for growing in the shade.

To assess whether a plant has received enough sunlight, the first task is to observe the structure of the plant surface.

Healthy plants often have full, brightly colored leaves and strong stems. If you notice leaves turning yellow or changing color, or if you see a plant with growing stems but sparse leaves, this is often due to insufficient light.

1)Plant types that require low light are as follows:

Representative plants include: ferns, spider plants and ivy.

Light conditions: These plants are generally native to forested areas and are very suitable for growing in low-light environments. They are suitable for being placed away from windows or in dimly lit indoor environments.

PPFD value: Generally distributed in the range of 40 to 120 µmol/m².

2)Plant types that require moderate light:

Representative plants include: snaketail orchid, basil, monstera.

Light conditions: These plants need moderate light, and are best placed in a place not far from a window but not directly exposed to sunlight, avoiding a lot of direct sunlight to prevent leaf damage.

PPFD value: between 150-300 µmol/m².

3)Plant types that require high light:

Representative plants include succulents and cacti.

Light conditions: These plants mainly grow in

PPFD: 300-600umol/m2

4)Marijuana plants

Light conditions: For plants like cannabis, they need strong and continuous stable light to stimulate growth. In order to cultivate better cannabis, we often use cannabis growth lights to meet the lighting needs of cannabis.

1000w led grow light

TheOneGrow's 1000w led grow light uses Osram led chips, with a light efficiency of 2.9umol/J, a PPF of 2900μmol/s, and a full spectrum design, suitable for all stages of plant growth. It supports personalized needs, has UL CE certification, IP65 waterproof rating, and provides a 3-year warranty

Lighting conditions: For plants like cannabis, they need strong and continuous stable light to stimulate growth. In order to cultivate better cannabis, we often use cannabis grow lights to meet the lighting needs of cannabis.

PPFD values: range from 800 to 1300 µmol/m² during the growing season; range from 1100 to 1600 µmol/m² during the flowering season.PPFD values: range from 800 to 1300 µmol/m² during the growing season; range from 1100 to 1600 µmol/m² during the flowering season。

2.How to measure light intensity:

When measuring the light intensity required by plants, a ppfd meter can be used.

How should we accurately determine the PPFD value?

For the selection of PPFD meter: There are many PPFD meters on the market for consumers to choose from. Choose a device with high accuracy and wide measurement coverage.

Measuring method: Place the sensor head of the PPFD meter on the horizontal plane at the top of the plant to ensure that these are the areas where the plant can receive the most light. Be sure to maintain the height of the sensor head to ensure that there is no error in the data when tilted.

Record PPFD value: After the PPFD instrument is turned on, record the displayed value. If the light source is not constant, you can make multiple observations at different time intervals and write down their average values.

By accurately measuring the PPPFD value and adjusting it to the needs of the plant, ensure that the most suitable light is provided to the plant and create an optimal growth environment for the plant.

Since its establishment in 2009, VANQ has always been customer-centric and committed to providing high-quality LED grow lights for cannabis cultivation, vertical farming, greenhouses and tissue culture.

As an industry-leading manufacturer, we have a state-of-the-art production plant in China and a warehouse in South Africa, ensuring free and fast delivery services within South Africa.

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