How to choose the best method for training cannabis

Posted on Aug 09 , 2024

1. Why train cannabis plants?

The most fundamental purpose is to increase production.

Through reasonable training methods, we can control the growth height of cannabis, avoid overcrowding, improve light utilization, and promote cannabis to grow more side branches and more buds.

2. Common training methods

1). LST(Low Stress Training)

LST is a gentle and effective training method. It encourages the plant to grow laterally by bending and anchoring its stem.

The general steps are as follows:

  • Choose a soft rope or plant tie, carefully bend the trunk of the plant, and secure it to the edge of the pot with the rope.

  • Make sure the fixing point is far enough away from the base of the plant to avoid damaging the plant.

  • As the plant grows, continue to adjust and secure new growth points.

  • The advantage of LST is that it does not cause serious damage to plants and is suitable for any stage of the plant growth cycle.

2). HST(High-Stress Training)

HST involves topping and pruning, which stimulates more side branch growth by removing the top growth point of the plant.

  • Topping: Cut off the internode above the top growth point of the main stem of the plant to make the plant grow in branches.

  • Pruning: Regularly prune old leaves and weak branches at the bottom to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption.

The HST method can increase the number of branches and buds of the plant, but it requires a longer recovery period and has certain requirements on the grower's skills.

3). ScrOG(Screen of Green )

ScrOG) is a method that uses grids to control the direction of plant growth.

The general steps are as follows:

  • Set a grid above the plants, and as the plants grow into the grid, pass their branches through the holes in the grid.

  • Regularly adjust the position of the branches so that the branches of the plant are evenly distributed on the screen and fully receive light.

  • Pruning and pruning plants

4). SOG (Sea of Green)

SOG is an intensive planting technique that maximizes yield by growing large numbers of small plants.

The general steps are as follows:

  • Grow a large number of small cannabis varieties (Indicas varieties are preferred) in the same growing space, keeping a small distance between each plant.

  • Install grid

  • Put off the side branches of the plant in advance to encourage the growth of main branches.

3. Which method is more suitable for you?

Which method is more suitable for you

LST is suitable for home growers and novices because it is simple to operate, causes little harm to plants, and is suitable for environments with limited growing space.

HST is suitable for growers who have some growing experience, can withstand the recovery period of plants, and is suitable for growers who want to significantly increase branching and yield.

ScrOG is suitable for growers with limited space and time, and is suitable for environments that want to maximize light utilization through fine control.

SOG is suitable for commercial growers or growers who want fast and high yields, and is suitable for environments with short growth cycles and high planting density.

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