How to Grow Marijuana Indoors

Posted on May 29 , 2024

With the development of indoor cultivation technology, more and more growers choose to cultivate cannabis in indoor environments. Indoor cultivation can not only control environmental factors, but also improve the yield and quality of plants through various training techniques. This article will introduce several common cannabis plant training techniques to help you optimize the cultivation effect.

The basic concept of cultivation training

Cultivation training is a technique that changes the growth pattern of plants by physical means to achieve the purpose of increasing yield, improving plant structure or accelerating growth. Proper training can not only make cannabis plants healthier, but also improve the efficiency of space use.

Main training techniques

In indoor cannabis cultivation, plant training technology is the key to increasing yield and optimizing space use. Here are four effective training methods, each with its unique application scenarios and operating techniques.

1.Low-Stress Training (LST)


First of all, let's talk about low-stress training, which is a gentle technique. All you need to do is gently bend the main stem down and fix it with a rope or clamp.

What can this do? Simply put, it allows the side branches to stretch toward the sky and enjoy more sunbathing. Although it is simple, don't underestimate this method. It can significantly improve the photosynthesis efficiency of plants and make your flowers grow bigger and fuller. Don't you want to see your plants bloom more spectacular flowers?

2. High-Stress Training (HST)


High-stress training is not as gentle as LST training techniques. What you have to do is to use some "rough" methods to train your cannabis, such as "topping" and "super cropping".

Does it sound a bit cruel? But the effect will definitely surprise you. Topping is to cut off the main stem at the top of the strains to stimulate it to grow more side branches, and more flowers can grow under the dense branches and leaves.

For super crops, you have to pinch the stem lightly to cause small wounds. It sounds cruel, but the plant will become stronger at the wound.

3. Binding


Let's talk about binding again. This is the most basic technique. Simply fixing certain parts of the plant with ropes or bands can change its growth direction. What are the benefits of doing this? Increase light and air circulation, so that every part of the plant can grow evenly.

4. Screen of Green (SCROG)


Screen of Green is an advanced plant training technique that uses a mesh screen over the head of the plant. It can guide the plant branches to evenly pass through the mesh and enjoy an equal sun bath. The purpose of SCROG is to maximize the yield per square meter so that all flowers can receive light at the same height, promoting more uniform maturity and higher overall yield.


Q1: When should I start training my cannabis plants?

A1: Cannabis plants should be trained early in the growth period, especially in the first few weeks of the growing season. This is because the plants are smaller and more flexible at this time, making it easier to adjust the shape without causing too much damage.

Q2: Will training cannabis plants hurt them?

A2: Proper training methods should be safe, but it is important to make sure they are done correctly. High-stress training (such as pruning) can cause unnecessary stress and damage to the plant if not done correctly. Always make sure to use clean tools and perform the operation at the right time.

Q3: Is there anything special to pay attention to when using the SCROG method?

A3: When using the SCROG method, make sure the grid is installed at the appropriate height, usually slightly below the top of the plant. As the plant grows, the branches should be adjusted regularly to be evenly distributed under the grid. In addition, it is very critical to maintain good air circulation and proper moisture.

Q4: How long after training the plant can I see the effect?

A4: The effect after training the plant may take several weeks to appear. For example, dwarfing may cause the side branches of the plant to start growing more outward within a few days. For high-stress training, such as topping, it may take several weeks to see new growth points develop.

With proper training techniques, the indoor cultivation effect of cannabis can be significantly improved. Each technique has its own characteristics and applicable situations. Reasonable selection and precise operation are the key to successful cultivation

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