How to increase the THC content of cannabis.

Posted on Jul 16 , 2024

Have you ever thought why the THC content of the cannabis you cultivate always seems lower than others'?

Apart from genetic factors, it could also be due to improper techniques. To boost the THC content of your cannabis significantly, you need to consider the strain, light exposure, temperature, humidity, soil, and nutrients. Let's delve into some effective methods.


1. Choose the right strain

To begin with, start at the source by selecting strains with excellent genetics and naturally high THC levels.

You might wonder how to ensure the selected seeds indeed have high THC content. Well, you can rely on the official data provided by the manufacturer.

Seed suppliers typically indicate the THC content in the product descriptions. On the market, there are many cultivated high-THC strains like White Widow, OG Kush, and Girl Scout Cookies, which usually boast high THC levels. For instance, strains like Jenny Kush and Bruce Banner can have THC levels exceeding 30%. Opting for these as a starting point can significantly enhance your chances of success.

2. Optimize Growing Conditions

Lighting: The growth of cannabis heavily relies on lighting. By using full-spectrum LED lights that simulate natural light, ensuring plants receive adequate light is guaranteed. Providing 18 hours of light per day, adjusting to 12 hours during the flowering period, can enhance THC accumulation.

Temperature and Humidity: Cannabis thrives best at a growing temperature between 21-26 degrees Celsius. In terms of humidity, during the seedling stage maintain 65-70%, during the vigorous growth phase maintain 40-60%, and reduce to 40-50% during the flowering phase. High humidity can lead to mold growth, while low humidity can cause dehydration in plants, both affecting THC content.

Soil and Nutrients: Regular soil is not suitable; soil rich in organic matter and trace elements is needed, such as a mixture of peat, coconut coir, and perlite. During the growth phase, use high nitrogen fertilizers to promote stem and leaf growth; during the flowering phase, switch to high phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to enhance flower buds and THC accumulation.

3. Proper Pruning and Training

Topping and Low-Stress Training (LST) are two common pruning methods that, when applied correctly, can also promote THC synthesis.

What is topping? In simple terms, it means cutting off the plant's apical bud.

Some may ask, "Doesn't cutting off the apical bud harm the plant?" Not at all! On the contrary, it encourages the plant to produce more lateral branches, making the cannabis plant's "hairstyle" fuller. This results in improved light utilization. More lateral branches mean more flowers, naturally leading to increased THC synthesis.

Now, let's talk about Low-Stress Training (LST), which involves bending and securing the plant's branches, allowing each part to receive ample light and facilitating more THC synthesis.

4. Harvest Preparation

In the days leading up to the harvest, what should you do to increase the THC content and quantity in the resin?

Firstly, lower the humidity and stop watering completely after two to three days, which will result in a more concentrated resin.

Secondly, immerse the plants in complete darkness for a day before harvesting. This stress will stimulate the trichomes to actively produce resin.

Lastly, harvesting itself is best done in the morning. For indoor cultivation, keep the lights off; for outdoor cultivation, it's best to begin before sunrise. Dormant buds contain more cannabinoids and less starch and sugar, allowing you to obtain a higher quality yield.

5. Drying and Curing

Drying is a slow process, and rapid drying can lead to significant THC loss. Hang the harvested cannabis in a cool, well-ventilated area, maintaining a temperature of 18-22 degrees Celsius and humidity of 45-55%, taking approximately 1-2 weeks.

Once drying is complete, can you start enjoying it? Not quite yet, there's one more step - curing.

After drying, place the cannabis in a sealed container in a cool, dark environment with a temperature of 15-21°C and relative humidity (RH) of 55-62%. In the first week, open the jar once or twice a day for 10-15 minutes each time to release any built-up gas and replenish oxygen. This process, lasting 2-4 weeks, can significantly enhance the flavor and THC content of the cannabis.

To summarize, increasing the THC content of cannabis requires considering multiple factors, from selecting high-THC strains to optimizing the growing environment, along with proper trimming and harvesting timing. Each step is crucial. Hopefully, these methods will help you cultivate cannabis with high THC content, taking your cultivation to the next level.

Since its establishment in 2009, VANQ has always been customer-centric and committed to providing high-quality LED grow lights for cannabis cultivation, vertical farming, greenhouses and tissue culture.

As an industry-leading manufacturer, we have a state-of-the-art production plant in China and a warehouse in South Africa, ensuring free and fast delivery services within South Africa.

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