Indoor grow lights: how to let your plant enjoy the vintage distance for sunshine

Posted on Sep 11 , 2024

Do you know how far away you should place the grow lights to give your indoor plants enough "sunlight"?

Maybe you think that as long as the light reaches the plants, the distance doesn’t matter?

If you don’t understand the optimal distance between your grow lights and your plants, your plants could get “sunburned” or simply wilt.

What is the optimal distance between plant growth lights and plants?

Some people say "the closer the better", while others think "the farther the plants are, the more comfortable they are"

But there is a core problem here: distance determines the intensity and coverage of light.

If you place the light too close, it may burn the leaves of the plant, and the surface of the plant may look yellow, curled, or even withered. Just like if you stay in the hot sun for too long, you may lack water and get sunburned, and plants can also be "injured"

However, if it is placed too far away, the light intensity will be insufficient, and the plants will not be able to absorb enough light to carry out photosynthesis, which will eventually lead to slow growth or even excessive growth.

You may see plants desperately stretching themselves, trying to get closer to the light source, which is a typical phenomenon of leggy growth.

How Far Away Should Grow Lights Be?


A simple criterion for judgment: the palm test.

Place your palm flat on top of the plant and turn on the light. If your palm feels slightly warm but not burning, then it is about the right distance.

If your palms feel like they are roasting fire, congratulations, your plants are not far from being "burned".

At this time, it means that the light is too close to the plants and you need to turn it up a bit.

However, cannabis is such a delicate plant that it has different requirements for the lighting distance for different power LED lights. Just like when you cook, you use a small pot and cook over low heat, but would you dare to use a large pot and cook over low heat? The result is that the food is either not cooked or burnt.

The same is true for marijuana. The distance between plants and lamps of different wattages cannot be generalized.

Do you dare to place lights randomly? Marijuana will not allow it!

Here is also the distance between the LED grow light and the plants, which can give you a basic reference.

  • 200W:vegetative phase: 12-20inches; flowering phase: 8-16inches

  • 400W:vegetative phase: 20-27inches; flowering phase: 13-21inches

  • 600W:vegetative phase: 30-38inches; flowering phase: 18-30inches

  • 800W:vegetative phase: 32-42inches; flowering phase: 19-34inches

  • 1000W:vegetative phase: 36-46inches; flowering phase: 21-36inchies

After you buy the lights and adjust the distance, it’s not like you can just forget about it and be done with it.

Next you will find that the distance, intensity and spectrum of light, soil, nutrition, water, etc. are all important factors that determine plant growth.

Just as human health requires the coordination of diet and exercise, plant growth also requires a balance of water, soil and nutrients.

Light distance is only one part of the equation. If you ignore other factors, then even the best lighting won’t help your plants thrive.

What is the optimal distance between plant growth lights and plants?

Some people say "the closer the better", while others think "the farther the plants are, the more comfortable they are"

But there is a core problem here: distance determines the intensity and coverage of light.

If you place the light too close, it may burn the leaves of the plant, and the surface of the plant may look yellow, curled, or even withered. Just like if you stay in the hot sun for too long, you may lack water and get sunburned, and plants can also be "injured"

However, if it is placed too far away, the light intensity will be insufficient, and the plants will not be able to absorb enough light to carry out photosynthesis, which will eventually lead to slow growth or even excessive growth.

You may see plants desperately stretching themselves, trying to get closer to the light source, which is a typical phenomenon of leggy growth.

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