How to use LED lights to increase vegetable yields

Posted on May 23 , 2024

In the context of growing global food demand, increasing vegetable yields has become a huge challenge in agricultural production. Faced with a series of challenges such as soil degradation, water shortages and climate change, how can we increase vegetable production?

Let’s seriously consider how important it is to optimize growing conditions in order to maximize the production potential of vegetables. Soil, moisture, and light, are each factor directly critical to the healthy growth of vegetables?

Soil management:


Do you know? Soil is the basis for vegetable growth.

Its quality directly affects the plant's nutrient absorption and root health. First, a soil test needs to be conducted to understand the pH value, organic matter content, trace elements and fertility status of the soil. Adjust soil conditions based on test results, such as adjusting the pH with lime and increasing fertility by adding organic fertilizers such as chicken or cow manure.

  • pH adjustment: Vegetables, they are very picky and only like soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. What should I do if the soil is too acidic or too alkaline? Simple, just add some lime or sulfate.

  • Adding organic matter: Organic fertilizers such as compost, green manure, chicken manure or cow manure are not only rich in nutrients, but can also improve the soil structure and activate microorganisms. 

  • Soil structure improvement: Sometimes the soil is too sticky, and we have to add some gravel or perlite to adjust it. Good soil structure promotes root development and the exchange of water and gas.

Temperature and humidity management:


Temperature and humidity, these two are the best combination. As long as they are controlled, the plant will grow healthily.

Temperature control: Most vegetable plants grow best in a temperature range of 15°C to 25°C. Neither too cold nor too hot will do. Too low a temperature will cause plants to grow slowly or even stop growing, while high temperatures may cause heat stress in plants.

Humidity Regulation: Most vegetable plants prefer a relative humidity of 50 to 70 percent. If the humidity is too high, fungal diseases may easily occur; if the humidity is too low, the plant water may evaporate too quickly, affecting photosynthesis.

Light control:


Let’s talk about light, which is the power source for plant growth.

Without sufficient light, how can plants carry out photosynthesis and grow healthily? In seasons or areas with insufficient sunlight, use LED grow lights to supplement natural light.

What can we do with LED lights?

You can freely control the weather of the plants. The sun will come out when you want it, and it will rain when you want it to rain (water the plants).

The intensity of light can be adjusted according to the specific needs of plants to meet their growth needs, thereby accelerating plant growth and improving quality.

Advantages of LED lights:

  • Good light output and efficiency

  • Low heat dissipation

  • More durable than HPS lamps and CFL lamps

  • More friendly to the environment

Moisture management:


The importance of water is self-evident.

Water is another key factor for plant growth. Proper water management not only ensures plant growth needs, but also improves water use efficiency.

  • Irrigation system: Are you still thinking about using a watering can to slowly water your 1,000-meter vegetable garden? Already out. Not only is the amount of watering difficult to control, but it also wastes water resources. It is better to use irrigation technology as soon as possible. Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, for example, can deliver water precisely to plant roots. Minimize water evaporation and overflow.

  • Moisture monitoring and regulation: A soil moisture sensor can be installed so that the moisture status of the soil can be monitored in real time to ensure that plants receive the appropriate amount of water and avoid stress caused by over-watering or drought.

By controlling the soil, temperature and humidity, using efficient planting technology and LED plant lighting technology, you can better increase the yield of vegetables. Come and give it a try.

VANQ has 20 years of professional experience in LED plant growth lights and has successfully helped more than 3,000 customers achieve a good harvest. Click the dialog box below to contact us now, and we will provide a free personalized planting solution based on your planting needs. Limited time offer, the first 30 people will receive a 10% discount coupon for plant growth lights, don't miss it!

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