Do you know how long the growth cycle of cannabis is from germination to flowering?

Posted on Feb 01 , 2024

In the new trend of agri-tech, cannabis, a versatile plant, is attracting global attention. It is not only a hot topic, but also an important part of modern agriculture. But you know what? The key to successful cannabis cultivation is to understand its growth cycle. This cycle is divided into the seedling period, the growth period, and the flowering stage, each of which has its own special environmental and management needs. Let's explore the amazing life cycle of this plant and uncover the secrets of its growth.

Seedling stage: the awakening of the seed

The life of cannabis begins in the seedling stage. At this stage, cannabis seeds germinate under suitable temperature and humidity conditions. Usually, the seeds germinate within 1 to 2 weeks after planting. At this stage, maintaining a stable temperature (about 21-26 degrees Celsius) and suitable humidity are key. Soil that is too wet or too dry can affect the germination rate of seeds.

    Seed germination conditions:

        Temperature: The ideal germination temperature is about 20-25C.

        Humidity: Keep it moderately moist and avoid standing water.

        Soil: Light, well-drained soil is better for seed germination.

    Seedling environmental impact:

        Stable temperature and humidity are essential for healthy seedling growth.

        Light light helps the photosynthesis of the seedlings.

Cannabis nursery stage.jpg

Growth period: The days of thriveness

After the seedlings are raised, the cannabis enters the growth phase. This phase usually lasts between 3 and 5 weeks, depending on the variety and growing conditions. During the growing season, plants need plenty of light, water, nutrients and space to develop. Light exposure is essential for cannabis, affecting not only the growth rate of the plant, but also the synthesis of phytochemicals. In addition, proper water and nutrient supply, as well as adequate space for growth, are all important factors in ensuring the healthy growth of cannabis.


    Key factors during the growth period:

        Light: Cannabis requires adequate light, usually at least 18 hours a day.

        Moisture: Keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering.

        Nutrition: Plants have a large demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium during the growing period.

        Space: Make sure the plant has enough space to encourage it to flourish.

Cannabis growth stages

Flowering period: a sign of maturity

After the growth period, cannabis enters the flowering phase. This phase usually starts after the anagen phase and lasts for 7 to 10 weeks. The flowering period is the most critical stage in the cannabis life cycle, and it is directly related to the final yield and quality. In its natural environment, the flowering of cannabis is usually triggered by a decrease in the number of hours of daylight. 

In an artificial planting environment, the flowering of plants can be controlled by adjusting the photoperiod (usually 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness). At the same time, temperature control and nutrient adjustment during flowering are also extremely important.

    Flowering Inducing Conditions:

        Photoperiod changes: Flowering in cannabis is usually triggered by a decrease in daylight hours, with 12 hours of light per day being a common inducing condition for flowering.

        Temperature: During the flowering period, the ideal temperature is usually maintained between 18°C and 26°C, with moderate temperatures contributing to the formation and ripening of flowers.

    Management of the flowering period:

        Light: Adjustment of the photoperiod is essential for flowering.

        Nutrition: It is necessary to appropriately reduce nitrogen fertilizer and increase the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote the development of flowers.

        Environment: Temperature (maintained at 18°C to 26°C) and humidity (maintained at 40% to 50%) control are equally important to optimize the quality and quantity of flowers.

If you want to improve the yield and quality of cannabis, you can't just look at one of the growth stages, but control each stage of the plant in real time, and precisely control the growth environment of each stage of cannabis, so as to optimize its growth cycle and increase yield. If you want to know more about the cultivation of cannabis, you can click the dialog box below to contact us~

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