Countries that have legalized marijuana
Apr 24 , 2024

Countries that have legalized marijuana

As the discussion on the legalization of marijuana heats up around the world, from medical to recreational use, the legalization of marijuana seems to have become an irreversible trend.
These spectrum have unexpectedly effect in plants!
Feb 22 , 2024

These spectrum have unexpectedly effect in plants!

Light is a very important thing for plants, which not only rely on light for photosynthesis, but also have their own unique effects on the growth and development of plants at different wavelengths. Red, blue, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), and far-red (FR) are some of the most critical spectral types. They play an integral role in promoting plant growth, flowering, fruit ripening, and pest and disease defense. Today, we're going to take a closer look at the effects of these different spectrums
Do you know what the common varieties of cannabis are?
Jan 31 , 2024

Do you know what the common varieties of cannabis are?

Cannabis (cannabis sativa) is a plant with a long history and versatile uses, playing diverse roles in different cultures and regions. Whether for medical, recreational or industrial use, various strains of cannabis exhibit unique properties. But these varieties differ significantly in growth habits, appearance and potential utility. Today let’s take a look at what varieties of cannabis there are~
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