Do you know how long the growth cycle of cannabis is from germination to flowering?
Feb 01 , 2024

Do you know how long the growth cycle of cannabis is from germination to flowering?

​In the new trend of agri-tech, cannabis, a versatile plant, is attracting global attention. It is not only a hot topic, but also an important part of modern agriculture. But you know what? The key to successful cannabis cultivation is to understand its growth cycle. This cycle is divided into the seedling period, the growth period, and the flowering stage, each of which has its own special environmental and management needs. Let's explore the amazing life cycle of this plant and uncover the sec
Why is the VANQ cannabis seedling lamp the key to efficient cannabis cultivation?
Dec 15 , 2023

Why is the VANQ cannabis seedling lamp the key to efficient cannabis cultivation?

In the world of cannabis cultivation, a high percentage of seedlings perish due to unsuitable growing conditions. During the seedling stage, cannabis plants are as fragile as newborns and can be easily affected by detrimental factors. Insufficient light can cause seedlings to stretch, while improper water control can lead to root diseases. These challenges constantly test our patience and skills.
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