how much light is enough for indoor plants
Aug 26 , 2024

how much light is enough for indoor plants

The light requirements of indoor plants vary from species to species. Too much or too little light will affect the healthy growth of plants. This article explores the light requirements of different types of plants, introduces how to use PPFD meters to measure light intensity, and provide the best growth environment for plants through proper light management.
How to Grow shrooms: A Beginner’s Guide
Aug 24 , 2024

How to Grow shrooms: A Beginner’s Guide

Successful mushroom cultivation requires attention to many details, from choosing the right mushroom species to controlling environmental conditions. This article provides a detailed mushroom cultivation guide, covering every step from medium preparation, spawn inoculation, environmental control to stimulating mushroom growth and harvesting, helping novices avoid common mistakes and successfully grow healthy and high-yield mushrooms.
How to dry weed
Aug 23 , 2024

How to dry weed

After the successful cultivation of cannabis, drying is a key step in determining the quality of the final product. This article introduces the importance of cannabis drying and its specific steps, including reducing mold risk, enhancing aroma and potency, extending shelf life, etc. Learn how to properly dry cannabis to ensure its optimal THC content and flavor, and improve overall quality.
do grow lights make plants grow faster?
Aug 22 , 2024

do grow lights make plants grow faster?

do grow lights make plants grow faster? This article explores the working principle of plant growth lights, and through experimental data in vegetable, flower and cannabis cultivation, reveals how growth lights can effectively improve photosynthesis efficiency, increase plant biomass, and significantly increase yields.
How to Increase THC Levels in Marijuana
Aug 21 , 2024

How to Increase THC Levels in Marijuana

In the process of cannabis cultivation, how to increase the THC content is the focus of many growers. This article discusses many aspects, from choosing the right high-THC variety, controlling light, grasping the best harvest time, to the correct drying and maintenance methods, to help you maximize the THC content in cannabis during the cultivation process, thereby improving its efficacy and quality.
Why should we pay more attention to PPFD instead of LUX when testing plant lights
Aug 16 , 2024

Why should we pay more attention to PPFD instead of LUX when testing plant lights

PPFD, which stands for Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density, is a measure of the number of useful photons received by plants per unit area per second. Simply put, plants rely on photosynthesis to grow, and PPFD tells us how much light the plant actually receives to participate in photosynthesis. The higher the PPFD value, the more photons the plant can absorb for photosynthesis.
Have you also made these mistakes in tomato planting
Aug 15 , 2024

Have you also made these mistakes in tomato planting

Growing tomatoes may seem simple, but many common mistakes can lead to poor growth or low yields. Common mistakes in tomato planting, such as over-lighting, neglecting bottom lighting, improper support and pruning, and insufficient planting depth, can promote healthy growth of tomatoes and improve quality and yield by understanding and avoiding these mistakes.
Why is it important for cannabis to control the humidity
Aug 14 , 2024

Why is it important for cannabis to control the humidity

The specific temperature and humidity requirements of cannabis at different growth stages, and how to optimize planting conditions and prevent mold and disease through real-time monitoring, rational use of lighting and ventilation equipment, and selection of appropriate soil and containers.
How can I top my cannabis plants to achieve better yields
Aug 13 , 2024

How can I top my cannabis plants to achieve better yields

Topping is a pruning technique for cannabis plants that aims to increase flowering and yield by removing the top growth point to promote lateral growth. This article explains in detail the principles, benefits, and how to do it at the right time and place.
How to choose the best method for training cannabis
Aug 09 , 2024

How to choose the best method for training cannabis

This article describes four common cannabis training methods - LST (Low Stress Training), HST (High Stress Training), ScrOG (Screen of Green), and SOG (Sea of Green) - and helps you choose the most appropriate method based on growing experience, space, and yield needs.
  • Total 292 items ,  total 30 pages